Thursday, January 3, 2013

Have a look

A while ago I got an email from Liduina about making miniatures, I asked her if she had a blog, yes she has a blog! I was very curious and went for a look. I was surprised, she makes a very beautiful house and tries to make everything herself.

Look at this entrance, is this not beautiful? I hope I've made ​​you curious too, you might want to take a look and say hi, just click on her name.


  1. Thank you for the link Marlies, Liduina does beautiful work. And I wish you a happy and healthy New Year, hope to see some more of your minis.

  2. The link is great... thanks for sharing!

  3. me he dado una vuelta por el blog de esta chica y creo que esta haciendo un buen trabajo con esa casita, gracias por recomendarla



  4. Thank you for the link. I've joined as a follower.

  5. It's so beautiful, thanks for the link and happy new year! Hugs

  6. Thank you for the link. I am very happy to see you here and hope we see lots more of you :)
    Hugs Maria

  7. Thanks for the link I really like what she does.

  8. Hoi Marlies, wat een prachtige link, dank je wel.
    Ik lees net dat je uit Geleen bent, wat leuk, ik kom uit Sittard :)
    Ik wens je een fijne week.

    Liefs Mieke

  9. Hee Mieke, nou da's maf, nooit geweten.....
    Ik dacht dat hier in de buurt geen mensen zaten die in popenhuishobbie zaten! haha!
    * marlies


♥ So nice of you to leave a message, thank you! ♥